I generally don't explain to most how i actually make a peice of work as most if not 100% of the time the main work is already processed and polished in my head before i even start to drawn on a page. But it goes a little something like this..
Quick thumbnail gets sketched out on a handy pad.
I've Ruled out the dimensions for the page im working on as it's a book cover with just a spine. both are st out before sketching. I've added guides to help get the layout right for the wells brick work.
A bit of refrance comes in handy ^_^ i usually take a picture with the camera and then have it in one hand on the screen as i sketch with the right.
Then i'll add in the text as im doing hand written type for the cover it needs to be in place before i start inking. The right hand pic is the final inked version, it's a mix of brush and indian inks and sharpies.
Pretty fun project. It'll be on display at Crawleys Wordfest for an exhibition on alternative book covers. Around 30 artists were asked to contribute to the show and each of the covers will be on books as part of the show. ^_^