Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Good News!

Right! Been a bit quite over the summer regarding posts and new work mostly because i've been helping out on an epic monster, namely.. If you haven't guessed it.

The graphic Novel adaptation of Robert Muchamores first book in the Cherub series
' The Recruit '. Drawn by John Aggs, scripted by Ian Edginton. With me working as a colourist doing the  flat colours. ^_^

For more information you can visit the main website for the cherub series
were you'll be able to get updates and release scheduals for forthcoming titles.

It was great experiance and one that if i had the chance to do i would do again.  Johns done a really great job with the artwork and Ian's script makes for a great read.

I'm really Looking forward to seeing a printed copy, as things are always a bit different working on screen until it's been printed. ^_^

But it's back to work and onto new fields as i have new story's and artwork to get finished and up on here ( so much stuff to scan! ).

Catch you on the flipside!

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